Dr. Martha Tilaar Celebrates Her 55th Wedding Anniversary with Rawinala  Foundations


In order to comemmorate her 55th wedding anniversary on January 22, Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar held a simple celebration witn Martha Tilaar Group family last Friday (19/1). Took place in Griya Cipta Wanita room at PT Martina Berto, Tbk office, Dr. Martha also invites some children form Rawinala Foundations, Kramat Jati, Jakarta

“The road we walked this pass 55 years, it’s not always a smooth way but we still grateful. We live it with so many beautiful memories,” said Dr. Martha on her speech. Besides praying together, some of Martha Tilaar employees an children from Raniwala also presented some performances specially for Dr. Martha and Prof. Alex Tilaar.

At this event, she also shared her happiness with Rawinala Faoundations by giving charity for them. Through this celebration, we hope Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar and Prof. Alex Tilaar filled with love and happiness from Martha Tilaar Group big family.